SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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332 lines
; $Id: project_vol.pro,v 1.8 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1992-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; This function returns a two dimensional image that is the
; projection of a 3-D volume of data onto a plane (similar to an
; X-ray). The returned image is a translucent rendering of the
; volume (the highest data values within the volume show up as the
; brightest regions in the returned image). Depth queing and
; opacity may be used to affect the image. The volume is
; projected using a 4x4 matrix, so any type of projection may
; be used including perspective. Typically the system viewing
; matrix (!P.T) is used as the 4x4 matrix.
; Also, see the intrinsic procedure VOXEL_PROJ which performs many
; of the same functions as this routine. VOXEL_PROJ provides the
; RGBO rendering method. VOXEL_PROJ is faster, but it does not
; allow for perspective projections.
; PROJECT_VOL can combine the contents of the Z-buffer with the
; projection when the Z_BUFFER keyword is set. PROJECT_VOL will not,
; however, modify the contents of the Z-buffer.
; Volume Rendering.
; Image = PROJECT_VOL(Vol, X_sample, Y_sample, Z_sample)
; Vol: The three dimensional volume of data to project.
; Data type : Any 3-D array except string or structure.
; X_sample: The number of rays to project along the X dimension
; of the image. (The returned image will have the
; dimensions X_sample by Y_sample).
; Data type : Long.
; Y_sample: The number of rays to project along the Y dimension
; of the image.
; Data type : Long.
; Z_sample: The number of samples to take along each ray.
; Higher values for X_sample, Y_sample, and Z_sample
; increase the image resolution as well as execution time.
; Data type : Long.
; If set, then the average intensity method of projection
; is used. The default is a maximum intensity projection.
; This keyword only has effect when NOT using the Z-buffer.
; CUBIC: If set, then the cubic method of interpolation is used.
; The default is a bilinear interpolation.
; DEPTH_Q: Set this keyword to indicate that the image should be
; created using depth queing. The depth queing should
; be a single floating point value (between 0.0 and 1.0).
; This value specifies the brightness of the farthest
; regions of the volume relative to the closest regions
; of the volume. A value of 0.0 will cause the back
; side of the volume to be completely blacked out,
; while a value of 1.0 indicates that the back side
; will show up just as bright as the front side.
; The default is 1.0 (indicating no depth queing).
; Data type : Float.
; OPAQUE: A 3-D array with the same size and dimensions as Vol.
; This array specifies the opacity of each cell in the
; volume. Opaque values of 0 allow all light to
; pass through. Opaque values are cumulative.
; For example, if a ray eminates from a data value of 50,
; and then passes through 10 opaque cells (each with a
; data value of 0 and an opacity value of 5) then that
; ray would be completely blocked out (the cell with the
; data value of 50 would be invisible on the returned
; image). The default is no opacity.
; Data type : Any 3-D array except string or structure
; (usually the same type as Vol).
; TRANS: A 4x4 floating point array to use as the
; transformation matrix when projecting the volume.
; The default is to use the system viewing matrix (!P.T).
; Data type : Fltarr(4, 4).
; XSIZE: The X size of the image to return. Congrid is used to
; resize the final image to be XSIZE by YSIZE. The default
; is the X size of the current window (or the X size of the
; Z-buffer). If there is no current window then the
; default is X_sample.
; Data type: Int or Long.
; YSIZE: The Y size of the image to return. Congrid is used to
; resize the final image to be XSIZE by YSIZE. The default
; is the Y size of the current window (or the Y size of the
; Z-buffer). If there is no current window then the
; default is Y_sample.
; Data type: Int or Long.
; Z_BUFFER: If set, then the projection is combined with the contents
; of the Z-buffer. The default is to not use the Z-buffer
; contents.
; This function returns the projected volume as a two dimensional
; array with the same data type as Vol. The dimensions of the
; returned array are XSIZE by YSIZE.
; Use "T3D" to set up a viewing projection and render a volume of
; data using "PROJECT_VOL" :
; ; Create some data.
; vol = RANDOMU(s, 40, 40, 40)
; FOR i=0, 10 DO vol = SMOOTH(vol, 3)
; vol = BYTSCL(vol[3:37, 3:37, 3:37])
; opaque = RANDOMU(s, 40, 40, 40)
; FOR i=0, 10 DO opaque = SMOOTH(opaque, 3)
; opaque = BYTSCL(opaque[3:37, 3:37, 3:37], TOP=25B)
; ; Set up the view.
; xmin = 0 & ymin = 0 & zmin = 0
; xmax = 34 & ymax = 34 & zmax = 34
; !X.S = [-xmin, 1.0] / (xmax - xmin)
; !Y.S = [-ymin, 1.0] / (ymax - ymin)
; !Z.S = [-zmin, 1.0] / (zmax - zmin)
; T3D, TRANSLATE=[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5]
; T3D, SCALE=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7]
; T3D, ROTATE=[30, -30, 60]
; T3D, TRANSLATE=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
; window, 0, xsize=512, ysize=512
; ; Generate and display the image.
; img = PROJECT_VOL(vol, 64, 64, 64, DEPTH_Q=0.7, $
; OPAQUE=opaque, TRANS=(!P.T))
; TVSCL, img
; Written by: Daniel Carr. Tue Sep 1 17:52:06 MDT 1992
; Modified to increase speed. Also modified
; to use current data->normal coordinate conversion. Added
; Daniel Carr. Tue Nov 15 16:03:15 MST 1994
FUNCTION Project_Vol, vol, x_sample, y_sample, z_sample, $
Depth_q=depth_q, Opaque=opaque, Trans=trans, Cubic=cubic, $
Xsize=xsize, Ysize=ysize, Avg_Intensity=avg_intensity, $
; *** Test inputs.
size_vol = Size(vol)
vol_type = size_vol[size_vol[0]+1]
x_sample = Long(x_sample[0])
y_sample = Long(y_sample[0])
xy_sample = x_sample * y_sample
z_sample = Long(z_sample[0])
zf_sample = Float(z_sample)
zf_sample_m1 = zf_sample - 1.0
z_sample_m1 = z_sample - 1L
z_max = Float(z_sample - 1L)
IF (n_elements(xsize) LE 0L) THEN BEGIN
IF (!D.Window GE 0L) THEN xsize = !D.X_Size ELSE xsize = x_sample
IF (n_elements(ysize) LE 0L) THEN BEGIN
IF (!D.Window GE 0L) THEN ysize = !D.Y_Size ELSE ysize = y_sample
IF (N_ELEMENTS(depth_q) GT 0) THEN depth_q = (Float(depth_q[0]) > 0.0) < 1.0 $
ELSE depth_q = 1.0
depth_q = 1.0 - depth_q
block_out = 0B
IF (N_Elements(opaque) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
IF (N_Elements(opaque) EQ N_Elements(vol)) THEN BEGIN
opaque = Reform(opaque, size_vol[1], size_vol[2], size_vol[3])
block_out = 1B
Print, 'Opaque array must be the same size as volume array.'
RETURN, Bytarr(xsize, ysize)
IF (N_Elements(trans) GT 0) THEN BEGIN
IF (N_Elements(trans) NE 16) THEN BEGIN
Print, 'Incorrect number of elements in Trans.'
RETURN, Bytarr(xsize, ysize)
trans = Float(Reform(trans, 4, 4))
trans = !P.T
trans = Invert(trans, status)
IF (status NE 0) THEN BEGIN
Print, 'Unable to invert transformation matrix.'
RETURN, Bytarr(xsize, ysize)
; *** Set up the required variables.
x_ind = (((Float(size_vol[1]) * Findgen(x_sample) / Float(x_sample - 1L)) * $
!X.S[1]) + !X.S[0]) # Replicate(1.0, y_sample)
y_ind = Replicate(1.0, x_sample) # $
(((Float(size_vol[2]) * Findgen(y_sample) / Float(y_sample - 1L)) * $
!Y.S[1]) + !Y.S[0])
max_vol = Float(Max(vol))
IF Keyword_Set(z_buffer) THEN BEGIN ; *** Use Z-Buffer info.
save_win = !D.Window
save_name = !D.Name
Set_Plot, 'Z'
img = Congrid(Tvrd(), x_sample, y_sample, /Interp, /Minus_One)
min_img = 0B
depth_fac = 0B
depth = Congrid(Tvrd(Channel=1, /Words), x_sample, y_sample, $
/Interp, /Minus_one)
xsize = !D.X_size
ysize = !D.Y_size
Set_Plot, save_name
Wset, save_win
; *** Do the projection.
FOR k=0L, z_sample_m1 DO BEGIN
kf = Float(k)
z_pos = (kf * !Z.S[1]) + !Z.S[0]
index = [[x_ind[*]], [y_ind[*]], $
[replicate(z_pos, xy_sample)], [replicate(1.0, xy_sample)]] # trans
indx = Float(size_vol[1]) * index[*, 0] / index[*, 3]
indy = Float(size_vol[2]) * index[*, 1] / index[*, 3]
indz = Float(size_vol[3]) * index[*, 2] / index[*, 3]
z_pos = 2.0 * ((((z_pos - 0.5) > (-0.5)) < 0.5) * 32765.0)
z_ind = Where(z_pos GT depth, count)
IF (count EQ (xsize * ysize)) THEN BEGIN ; *** Nothing in the way.
IF (block_out) THEN $
img = img - $
(Interpolate(opaque, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) < img)
depth_fac[0] = ((1.0 - (kf / z_max)) * depth_q * max_vol)
img = img > ((Interpolate(vol, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) > $
depth_fac[0]) - depth_fac[0])
ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; *** Something in the way.
IF (count GE 1L) THEN BEGIN ; *** Something new in front.
IF (block_out) THEN BEGIN
temp_img = $
Interpolate(opaque, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) < img
img[z_ind] = img[z_ind] - temp_img[z_ind]
depth_fac[0] = ((1.0 - (kf / z_max)) * depth_q * max_vol)
temp_img = $
(Interpolate(vol, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) > $
depth_fac[0]) - depth_fac[0]
img[z_ind] = img[z_ind] > temp_img[z_ind]
ENDIF ; *** Nothing new in front.
ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; *** Don't use Z-Buffer.
IF Keyword_Set(avg_intensity) THEN img = Fltarr(x_sample, y_sample) $
CASE vol_type OF
2: img = Intarr(x_sample, y_sample)
3: img = Lonarr(x_sample, y_sample)
4: img = Dblarr(x_sample, y_sample)
5: img = Fltarr(x_sample, y_sample)
6: img = Complexarr(x_sample, y_sample)
ELSE: img = Bytarr(x_sample, y_sample)
min_img = img[0]
depth_fac = img[0]
; *** Do the projection.
FOR k=0L, z_sample_m1 DO BEGIN
kf = Float(k)
z_pos = (kf * !Z.S[1]) + !Z.S[0]
index = [[x_ind[*]], [y_ind[*]], $
[replicate(z_pos, xy_sample)], [replicate(1.0, xy_sample)]] # trans
indx = Float(size_vol[1]) * index[*, 0] / index[*, 3]
indy = Float(size_vol[2]) * index[*, 1] / index[*, 3]
indz = Float(size_vol[3]) * index[*, 2] / index[*, 3]
IF (block_out) THEN $
img = img - $
(Interpolate(opaque, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) < img)
depth_fac[0] = ((1.0 - (kf / z_max)) * depth_q * max_vol)
IF Keyword_Set(avg_intensity) THEN $
img = img + (((Interpolate(vol, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) > $
depth_fac[0]) - depth_fac[0]) / zf_sample) $
img = img > ((Interpolate(vol, indx, indy, indz, Missing=min_img, $
cubic=Keyword_Set(cubic)) > $
depth_fac[0]) - depth_fac[0])
IF Keyword_Set(avg_intensity) THEN BEGIN
CASE vol_type OF
2: img = Fix(img)
3: img = Long(img)
4: img = Double(img)
5: img = Float(img)
6: img = Complex(img)
ELSE: img = Byte(img)
IF ((xsize NE x_sample) OR (ysize NE y_sample)) THEN $
img = Congrid(img, xsize, ysize, /Interp, /Minus_One)